How to support

Caught the vision?

First and foremost, the implementation and the sustaining of an affordable Christian school has to be bathed in prayer. Please join us in praying for this ministry. 

Secondly, an affordable school like RLCA has to have generous donors and volunteers to keep the cost down for families. 

Support Us Today

In order for children in the Cedar Valley to have access to affordable, Christ centered education, the community must say, YES! with prayers, finances and volunteering.

God working through you will sustain a thriving, life giving school with excellence in education. Please give today!

Recurring Donation

Commit to monthly, regularly scheduled donations. Be sure to click the box labeled,  “Make this a monthly donation” after hitting the PayPal button. 

Write a check 

Write a check or money order out to Royal Legacy Christian Academy and mail to: 

Royal Legacy Christian Academy

620 W 5th Street

Waterloo, IA, 50702


One time donation

Any amount will be a blessing to us and is much appreciated. Make a one time donation by clicking on the PayPal button (PayPal account is not required).  

“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.”

Billy Graham

how you can help

Sponsor a student for the entire school. this would cover the cost of tuition, curriculum, supplies need, activities, etc. 

sponsor a student


Fund the entire setup of a classroom. This would include curriculum, furniture, technology, etc. The plan is to add a classroom every year as we add grade levels. 

Sponsor a classroom


Isaiah 58:12

12And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

Volunteers needed

Thank you so much for your interest in supporting our vision by volunteering. Please view the list below.  Click here to let us know how you can be a blessing to us. 

  • Prayer warriors
  • Businesses, churches, and individuals who are interested in providing lunch once or monthly
  • IT Services 
  • Lunch/Recess monitors
  • Praise and worship leaders to lead worship during our morning Chapel time
  • Specials teachers who have gifting in music, art, physical education, etc.
  • Snow removal
  • English and Spanish speaking substitute teachers (volunteer and paid positions available)

For those of you would like to render direct services (lunch/recess monitors, specials, substitute teachers, etc.), please click the button below to download the required application. 

Apply here